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October 22, 2015
Wedding party ideas: children activity bags
I and all the staff at Exclusive Italy Weddings are not only wedding planners but also moms, and we know all too well the importance of organising a child-friendly party if children are involved in your wedding celebration. Having children attending at your wedding in Italy can be a fun and stress free experience if you follow our suggestions. It all starts with choosing a child-friendly wedding venue, but there is much more you can do to keep them entertained.

Setting up a table just for them where they can play together is a clever idea. If the children love drawing, why not put a paper cloth on the table and create a colorful centerpiece with crayons? You can add a pinwheel for extra fun!
ecently we coordinated the wedding of an American Swedish couple who got married in Florence. There were more than 20 kids of various ages attending the party, and they had a dedicated table where they sat all together.
We prepared for them personalized activity bags and filled them with a colouring book, pencils, toys and candies. We looked for games and activities that the children could play independently, where the help of an adult was not required. Since the kids were of different ages, we chose different toys for each age group: we wanted the children to be entertained and not disappointed, for us the most important thing was that they had fun!

As bag fillers and gifts we chose toys that could entertain the children without being too messy: that’s why we bought pencils instead of felt tip pens ;)
Children aged 2-5: coloring book, crayons, finger puppets, small pots of playdoh and cookie cutters for modeling.
Children aged 6-10: coloring book, pencils, sharpener, origami paper with instructions, finger puppets, wooden toy cars, bear dress-up puzzle.
Children aged 11-13: coloring book, pencils, sharpener, 3D puzzle, origami paper with instructions.
Girls aged 15: temporary tattoos, a book for creativity and inspiration (“How To Be an Explorer of the World” by Keri Smith).

For 1 to 5 year old children we prepared also personalized bibs embroidered with a stylized bridal couple and the wedding date. This is a nice keepsake of the wedding day, but it is also a cute idea if you want a special wedding favor for babies or toddlers.

This is a clever idea that you can easily make with your home printer. If you browse the web you will find lots of wedding themed coloring pages, join-the-dots and word games. We printed some coloring pages, various games and a word puzzle.
Since some of the children came from Sweden, we didn’t want them to feel left out so we preferred to put in lots of illustrations, a wedding cake to decorate, join-the-dots, tic-tac-toe, find the differences and only one word puzzle in English. But you can choose more word games if you think the children like them.
We printed the cover on white cardboard and added the names of the bride and groom. We also added easy origami instructions but we packed these separately with the origami paper.

All these goodies were put inside paper bags, each labeled with the name of the boy or girl. This allowed a stress-free distribution: since the content of the bag was different for boys and girls and depending on the age of the child, we conveniently prepared the bags in advance, assembled them on site, put name labels on each and then handed them out to each kid.

The toys and bag fillers were prepared in advance and then Laura and Martina assembled the bags and added some colourful paper for an extra touch. This is Laura and Martina filling and decorating the activity bags before the wedding. I think they did a nice job, and it was also a lot of fun!
If you are thinking of a destination wedding in Italy, this is just one of the many services we offer, from paperwork to complete planning, on-site coordination and any special service you may need. Contact us today with our contact form!

Photography: Miss Party Mom, In house photographer Liana Fides Frappa ©.
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